Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Giving 110% and missing perfection

Being the perfectionist I am I often have to remind myself that "perfection" does not exist...okay so I need to do a better see lately I feel like I am giving a 110% in all facets of my life yet for some reason (this week especially) I feel like I am failing at each a a wife...and even as an employee. I am sure every new mother has these moments and every baby book will tell you to let perfection go but for someone who is always striving to be the her best...this can be a very difficult thing. I love each part of my life and I don't want to any part to suffer. Now I know if you were to ask my husband or my daughter (if she could talk that is) or my boss how I am doing they would probably say great...I've met all my deadlines, the house is clean, the baby is is just a feeling I have...I suppose we are all (new mom or not) allowed a off week.

1 comment:

Priska said...

You are perfect to me!!!! Love always, Mom