Thursday, May 27, 2010

Lyla is one

One year already.... It is hard to imagine. Becoming a mother is such an amazing gift. It is really a miracle. Even now one year later I can't believe that Danny and I created such a beautiful human being. I have been in awe all week. Lyla is truly a blessing. Just last night as we were all cozying up in bed even Danny made a comment to Lyla telling her that today (the day after her birthday) we brought you home. One year ago today you were officially ours. My mom sent me an amazing email as well it said "What kind of thoughts are going through your mind today....? A new life and a whole new world you live in. So what do you think about motherhood so far? Lyla is a very lucky little girl to have such loving and wonderful parents and you have created such a a wonderful world for her so far....I still remember the phone call, how calm you seemed during all those intense contractions, waiting for Danny to come around the corner to say Lyla had arrived, seeing the expression of relief and accomplishment in your face, holding Lyla for the first time, bringing Lyla home the next day, getting to stay an extra day to help and the surge of emotions that I could no longer contain as I drove home that first time. It's all like...yesterday and yet it's been a whole year and Lyla has grown and learned so much already and you and Danny have grown into such attentive and nurturing parents. Take it all in and thank god for all his blessings." ... It is difficult to describe what thoughts are going through my mind during this amazing day. Most of you know that the first week with Lyla were probably the most testing. I did not fair well in the delivery (there were some complications for both Lyla and I) and then afterwards I had a lot of other challenges. So motherhood for me didn't start the smoothest. With all that aside I never once questioned the gift I was given. And I love her more everyday. She is our everything. And trust me I have been showering her with more hugs and kisses then ever this week. To an end to this post "Happy First Birthday Lyla. I love you and I will always love you."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Amazing words from one great mom to another :). So happy for you and Danny. I love little Lyla- Happy Birthday Lyla!