Thursday, December 30, 2010

Being Best Friends takes Practice

So yesterday I learned that just because Mommys are best friends doesn't mean their children are going to be or at least not right away (or without a little practice and maybe patience). Sarah and Claire Stockstad have been in town over the holidays (they live in Florida currently) and yesterday was the first time we were able to see them. We have brought Lyla and Claire together several times now (you might remember over the last year and a half a picture or two of these two beauties together) and each time it is...wellll.... lets just say it has been difficult. Lyla takes on the personality of this meek, shy...lack of a better term...push over and Claire takes on the dominate role. In the end they are both in tears and fighting over everything. Both Sarah and I are devestated because we were sure these two were destined to be BFFs. I mean their mommys were prego at the same time, went through everything at the same time...even gave birth to our daughters two weeks apart. Of course this doesn't mean we are going to give up hope. Thankfully they left yesterday on a wonderful BIG hug between Claire and there is light at the end of the tunnel. We just wished they were closer so we could see them both more often. I know I sure miss my BFF.

1 comment:

Stockstad said...

I miss you too! Maybe this is the girls way of just saying we need to have "mommy nights" without the girls ... which actually sounds really nice.

Thanks for everything, I'm sorry it wasn't more of carefree night!