Monday, September 27, 2010

Celebrity Waiters is Fast Approaching

As most of you know I am hosting my very first table at Celebrity Waiters this year. A local event benefiting the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. I am really excited but getting nervous. The event is fast approaching and there is so much to do. Seen here is a little letter I designed specificly for my guests to be inserted in the invite which went out Friday. I know i've said this before but if there is anyone that is interested in getting involved, being a guest at my table or donating something for the silent or live auction please let me know. All help is very much appreciated. More to come....

1 comment:

Sonja said...

Looks like you have your hands full; mommy, wife, professional, and volunteer. Keep up the good work, for I am sure it isn't easy : ) Hugs!