Monday, July 12, 2010

Home for the Weekend

This weekend the Savage fam heading down to Momma's home turf, Mint Lake, in Yacolt, Washington. It was great being back and seeing a ton of familiar faces. It is our southern ski family. All in all the tournament (the 24th Annual Mint Lake Open) was fabulous. It was gorgeous weather which always is a perk and a ton of great skiing. And a bonus, Daddy and Grandpa both skied great! Lyla and I even got a little swimming and sandbox time in, as well as visits from both the Sigrist and Stajgr Great Grandparents. Loved that! I haven't had a chance to upload my photos but here are a few from Grandma. As you can see even though there was a tournament going on Lyla still found a empty boat to play in. She is going to be our little waterski baby.

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