Sunday, December 20, 2009

Party Prep and Goodies

Saturday night Danny and I hosted a Engagement party for my dear friend Jordan and her fiance Adam. Seeings that Jordan is an entertaining goddess I was stressed to make this event perfect knowing very well I could never top anything she would put together (I still tried). Now the guest list was quite a bit bigger then anything I had ever hosted before so we leaned heavily on Costco for the goodies although I did make a few things myself. The menu consisted of BBQ Chicken Scewers, Meatballs, Tomato Alfredo Ravioli, Veggies, Bruschetta, Custard filled pastry shells topped with Raspberries and Fudge Chocolate Cupcakes. For the beverages we asked all the guest to bring two bottles of their favorite wine. One to share and one for the couple. And of course we had water and lemonade for the non-drinkers. It took some work but I think everything came together just in time for the big night.

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