Friday, April 10, 2009

Oops. A bubble gum baby room.

When choosing a paint color be cautious of the pinks. Danny and I spent a lot of time infront of the paint samples at home depot. I had picked a cream but Danny had his heart set on color for our little girls room...since I wasn't really set on anything we settled on a lighter version of a pink in the fabric I was using for the crib bedding. When we got home and start in we were amazed at how bright it was. We got all the walls covered and started to wonder what we got ourselves was bubble gum pink! We went to bed that night staring at the glowing room....literally...even with all the lights off the room was giving off a light of its own. The next morning we went straight back to home depot and opted for the cream which is what we stayed with. Sadly we had to prime the walls again and start fresh. There is still much work to be done but what an experience we had. Never again will we mess with the power of pink.

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