Friday, February 22, 2013

Proud Parent

This is a post I couldn't wait to put up. I didn't really realize how proud and important the moment was until I was there sitting watching her up on the stage and all the parents around me with there flowers, gifts and cameras. I suppose I didn't because I am a newbie and Lyla is only three but when I saw her up there with all the other kiddos, the youngest of the bunch, so excited and waving like crazy at me and pointing me out to all her friends it hit me. I made sure I took my share of snaps. Sadly they were only on my phone but still worth sharing. And I made sure I made an extra special stop at the toy store on the way to home to get her something special to celebrate her terrific-ness. I already have pretty high expectation for her but something tells me I won't have to push and motivate that much since it seems she is already setting pretty high goals for herself. I couldn't be happier.

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