Wednesday, August 18, 2010

What Lyla was doing while we were away...

While we were away this weekend Lyla was busy with Grandpa and Grandma. Friday morning she headed down with Grandma to their house. They stayed in that evening because they had a busy Saturday ahead. On Saturday they actually drove back to Tacoma for a wedding. Apparently Lyla stole the show and was the center of attention. All the mommas were in love with her. I have to apologize to the bride and groom if you have a little one appear in all your wedding photos. Sunday they spent the day at the lake and Grandma taught Lyla how to jump off the dock. Well not completely so far it is just scooting to the edge and jumping in but we have an adventurer on our hands. I know I always say it but it is true. Just last night she went running down our steep hill in the front yard fell flat on her face (thankfully in the grass) and kept trying to do it again. No tears. Maybe daredevil is more accurate. Either way Lyla had an amazing time with her Grandma and Grandpa. She didn't even seem to care when we got home :) (these pics are courtesy of Grandma)

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