Thursday, May 19, 2011

One Week until the Big Day

So as you all know I have been slacking on my posts. It has been an interesting couple of weeks not that that is any excuse. When we returned from Mexico I came down with a horrible stomach bug which has taken some time to get over. In the process I decided to cleanse my body so I have been doing that. Then of course as some of you might now it is Lyla's second birthday next week so party planning has begun. We are going a little mellower this year just a simple BBQ. Well as simple as I can do. Sound be a lot of fun. This is the invite that I created and sent out a couple weeks ago. Hope that everyone I sent it to can make it and if I missed anyone that wants to come just let me know. Yeah for the big 2!

1 comment:

Holly said...

What typeface did you use for the "please join the celebration" part? I really like it!